There is a difference between fertile and ovulation. Ovulation is when your body releases an egg that can be fertilized if a sperm penetrates it. When that egg is released, it usually lives for up to a day. That day is called Ovulation day. For several days just prior to ovulation, your body produces "fertile" cervical fluid. Sperm can survive in fertile cervical fluid. Therefore, you are fertile during the time that you have fertile cervical fluid up through the day of ovulation. Fertile cervical fluid is wet, slimy and slippery (and even stretchy) like egg whites or kind of like semen. I check my cervical fluid by inserting a clean finger in my vagina and swiping around in there while I am squatting in the shower. You get a good sample that way.
You must check your fertility signals to find out when you ovulate each month. Your cervical fluid will tell you that you are "approaching" ovulation. By checking your morning temperatures, you will confirm that ovulation indeed past. To confirm that ovulation has past, you need to take your morning temperatures every morning before getting out of bed and observe at least a .2 degrees shift up in temperatures than any of the last six temperatures before it. My pre-ovulation temperatures usually run between 97.0 and 97.9. After ovulation, my temperatures usually jump up to between 98.1 and 98.4. You have to find out what's normal for you, but my temperatures are pretty "normal" and can give you an idea. To achieve conception, strategically time intercourse to occur at least every other day during your "fertile" window and on ovulation day. In order to keep up with this, you must chart your findings on a fertility chart.
5/18/2011 05:49:02 am
Thank You!!! You gave exactly the information that I was looking for! I found this article when I Googled "difference bewteen fertile and ovulating."
1/29/2012 09:04:09 pm
Thank u. It was very insightfull.
Hi Razel,
10/29/2012 11:54:03 am
Do you have to lay in bed for 30 minutes after having sex for the Sperm to reach an egg?
3/22/2014 12:47:23 am
I guess my question tags along too.I noticed this watery but not sticky substance on my panties one morning,about two days ago.Later towards evening,I had unprotected sex with my partner.What are my chances of being pregnant.Please,reply ASAP.
Mrs J.
8/8/2018 02:43:56 pm
Thanks this was so percise.
7/5/2011 02:42:41 pm
if your fertility begins today and u had intercourse is it likely to get pregnant?
7/13/2011 10:21:21 am
7/4/2013 03:39:01 pm
Possibly the most idiotic thing I've ever read. I hope (for children everywhere) that you and you boyfriend don't "do it" anymore.
1/3/2012 05:22:17 am
Good direct article. I like it very much. :)
2/19/2012 01:32:11 pm
That was rude u could have found a better way to inform her.
10/7/2012 08:40:38 am
I completely agree. You didn't need to be so abrasive. You obviously never learned how not be socially inept. Learn some manners, please.
7/9/2013 01:21:38 am
You are so right. I just don't understand who make the decision on stability anymore.
8/21/2018 04:50:53 pm
Yes they both where very disrespectful to her smh and they say she’s dumb lol how old are you guys? Lead with encouragement and like adults dumb asses‼️
3/19/2012 01:35:55 am
You shouldnt be handing out advice to young women if your going to be rude and insensitive. you sound bitter and very rude...futhermore your a Bitch if she was lost about her situation you certainly didnt help
4/5/2012 02:55:11 pm
For someone who is judging others "maturity" your not being very grown up about it. I believe a mature responsible adult could have put it a little nicer than you. You are not very kind, and if I were her I would surely appreciate an apology, after all it'd be the mature thing to do right?
4/5/2012 03:02:44 pm
Btw why do you talk about your daughter as if she was a disease? "the kid" NO! She's your child, claim her as your own before drugs, alcohol, and an abusive boyfriend claim her! I say this not to be mean but to prevent a terrible sittuation for the both of you. Good night & God Bless! =)
4/8/2012 09:53:30 pm
Well already you cares enough to try inform here kids out here having kids like its a track meet. I don't think that was rude. I think you were dead on. If it would of been me I would of deleted get comment and ignored it. Just me. Idk why people who ain't ready think having a kid is the awesomest thing when in reality its the hardest. I watched my mom struggle she was a teen parent,and j don't want my child to see that. So I period to say I gave no kids about to graduate from college next semester. I won't be having kids til I'm married and ready for the responsiblity.
10/7/2012 08:43:45 am
That's completely fine if that is the advice you wish or she wishes to give. Just be respectful and say it in a nice way. God bless!
5/3/2012 12:28:14 pm
I feel so sorry for the poor child that has to be with a 'mother' like you michele. I hope the poor kid dosnt grow up to be ignorant and annoying like michele.
9/20/2012 09:38:35 pm
Well i honestly think that was well put . I could
10/26/2012 04:46:24 am
I think your response is true and awesome :-)
12/6/2012 02:32:33 pm
Michele, you're calling Crystal immature, dumb and stupid yet you refer to your child as the "kid"? I think you need to do some growing up as one has the right to judge ...look in the mirror first lady
7/9/2013 01:27:19 am
How dear you say that the bf and her are less stable, because the are not married. Then the audacity to tell the woman that she is stupid, immature. You are the most ignorant person I have seen giving baby advice. The way you speak to people, I don't think you should have anymore.
8/10/2013 09:08:44 am
Wow, I really can't believe you said that, that was really rude of you to say especially since you don't know her situation. Just because someone gets pregnant doesn't make them 'stupid'. I had my daughter when I was 18 and I don't regret it at all, my BOYFRIEND stayed with me all the way, so just because someone says that they have a boyfriend, don't judge them because they could be a mature couple and be ready for whatever comes their way.
10/7/2013 07:52:13 am
id just like to say i have a boyfriend we have a 6yr old and a 3 yr old we own a home we have steady jobs im just wondering does the word boyfriend mean i shouldnt have children because my life isnt "in place " perhaps your advice should be kept to your self
4/17/2014 04:47:51 pm
I agree that maybe you could have put it a little nicer than you did but I completely agree with you! Immature kids don't need to have kids themselves. My mom struggled to take care of me my entire life and there's times when I didn't have things that I needed. I am glad that I am here but I wish she would have thought her actions through before she brought a child into the world not knowing what she was doing or getting herself into. I am now 19 married to a wonderful man whom is only 22 and we have our own house already that we got completely by ourselves. And I can honestly say we're not even ready for a baby. So make sure each and everyone of the women who are reading this think things through before you bring an innocent child Into this world.
Amber strongman
5/1/2014 12:52:10 pm
Micheele- I believe your intentions were in the right place. According to the lady's post and how it came across she was not mature enough to be a mother. There were things in her statement that proves tho. I back Michelle up 100%. I was young when I had my son & single. My son came first and I changed my priorities so that I worked & went to college. My son is almost 21 and I have been able to give him a great life. Life full of love, attention, affection, watched & volunteered while he played in sports, went on vacations to Virginia beach & Florida snorkeling, snow skiing in Colorado, graduation we went to NY City. I worked concession stands, school dances & volunteered to help with prom. I gave my son 2 different vehicles. I mention these things because this is what parents do. You love your unborn child enough to seek out all kinds of ways to educate yourself then you study & learn. With this you are able to give your child more than you had. More love, patience, understanding, opportunities, education, & more of your time. They will appreciate that- typing in iPhone sucks
1/14/2012 01:23:47 pm
Thank you the infi really helpef me.
1/20/2012 10:41:10 am
This is exactly what we were looking for! My husband and I are trying to conceive and this will help us so much. Thank you!!
1/21/2012 10:26:44 am
Does this happen to everyone? And when you says a egg comes out what does that mean?
1/26/2012 09:37:41 am
Thank you so very much for this article! My husband and I miscarried about 3 months ago and now we have started trying to get pregnant again. With my last pregnancy, we just started trying on a whim and it happened fast. But this time we are calculating from my period so we can know when to have intercourse so we can start our happy little family. Thanks again for this article, it really did help. :)
1/26/2012 03:35:58 pm
It really helps!! I hope we can conceive soon!
6/22/2012 09:44:23 am
Hi there anybody please help me ... Actually it's been six month I'm trying to get pregnant but I'm not after may 1st I got my second period on 11june after 43 days and also in between 14 to 16 days I saw a brown mucus or is it called like brown spot which wasn't like blood and today is June 23 and again I saw a brown fluid in my plenty I'm so scared what is this sign about I even check my urine it shows - negative for pregnancy ,,,,,,,,,:-( please help me
2/18/2012 09:34:43 am
Thanks for all the great information...however I do have to add.....I'm 29 and I have a boyfriend. I child already so since I have a boyfriend I should have a kid? And my life is in the right place.. so I don't understand the boyfriend comment.???
5/12/2013 10:37:55 am
Heather, I am not marred either, but am engaged to the man I have been with six years and we are TTC. I believe you can be committe and have your life on track and TTC without being married. That's a piece of paper and a tax change for most. I know more people who aren't married and have better relationships than our married friends. We will get married in our own time. Don't let that boyfriend comment get you down.
Babydoll <3
3/19/2012 01:30:52 am
This article was very informative!
3/19/2012 05:55:08 pm
According to ovulation chart my fertile window was between 7th to 12th of this month.I had intercourse on 7,8 &11th of this month.while i am taking Alvier vaginal uae tablet as per dr's advice.just tell me is there any chance of being pregnant?or vaginal tablets can be a barrier for sperms to move toward fallopian tube.egarly waiting for reply.
3/30/2012 12:41:42 am
I download this app for iphone and i pad called " period tracker " tells me the ovulation, fertile and the next period time. I recomment it. This was the reason i look up the difference in ovulation and fertile time and this article has explained it to me , thank you.
6/4/2012 10:15:34 pm
I have this app and LOVE it! I'm also type A personality so I like to be able to see everything layed out and in advance.
11/4/2012 01:48:30 pm
I just downloaded this app too!!! I thought I knew the difference but looked it up via google n e way... the above explanation was awesome. Thx!!!
4/13/2012 01:52:51 am
Well i have kids and don't want anymore so this article was very informative in helping me decide when not to have sex. I thought you released your egg while on your menstrual cycle?
4/18/2012 06:53:18 pm
Thanks this was very informative.
5/26/2012 06:56:16 pm
Ok, so according to an app i downloaded my "fertility" was from the 8th to the 18th and ovulation was at the 13th, but i didnt know what She said in this article about the sperm living 5 days if 'intercourse' happens while during you are 'fertile' and well we had unprotected sex on the 8th. Sadly were not ready for a baby yet and well were trying to know if i might be pregnant can anyone here lend me the knowledge and help me figure it out? I know youre not doctors and most probably you are going to tell me that if i dont want/cant have a child then i shouldnt be having sex, Which is very clear to me but we didnt really have it planned to happen. Ill be very greatful if anyone comes to me with clear answers. Im concious that i did wrong, i should have used protection, and well right now i dont want to bring a child to suffer because of my irresponsibility... I hope someone can help me.
6/10/2012 05:57:49 pm
Hay no worries this reply is non-judgmental.. so yes sperm can live inside of you for days especialy with the cervical mucuse protecting them from dying.. honestly its a pretty close shot.. your ovulation date lands on the 5th day of the sperms life span.. just keep in mind it depends on the man also.. not every mans sperm last the full five days, this is an aproximation. it can last less or more for several men. just keep a good look out for signs and keep a pregnancy test just in case u miss that time of the month. its a scarry thought and idk how old you are but my suggestion if you dont end up pregnant is try and go to a health clinik to speak with a dr about the best birthcontrol options for you.. when me and my boyfriend decided to become sexually active we went to go get tested for stds and spoke to a dr about my bc options and she recomended the daily pill.. since i do plan to concieve in the future and she found the best ones that went with my body type so that i dont get effected as much by the side affects. And we never have sex with out a condom on my firtil days to be extra careful. haveing sex doesnt have to be so nerve recking just follow the right proceedures and you'll be okay :) goodluck! hope this helped.. i know your expecting to here "your not pregnant" but you have to keep an open mind to possabilities and try to be prepaired for the worst.. just in case it does happen and if it doesnt the reliefe is that mutch sweeter.
6/11/2012 01:49:16 am
by the way it also matters if he came inside of you, because if he didnt theirs a huge chance you arent pregnant but their is such a thing as pre-cum, which is a very known cause of pregnancy even when "pulling-out" but im just saying it reduces the chances of pregnancies when theirs less sperm involved. again good luck and hope this helps a little more to clear things up.
6/5/2012 01:58:13 am
I have no problem with what Michelle said. If being blunt and maybe even a little rude can make a person who is not ready to be a parent think twice about their decision, yay for them. About the answer, great info. Thanks!
6/5/2012 06:22:27 am
I have a question,
6/29/2012 05:33:56 am
I too have the app and I wasn't sure on the difference. I have 4 children, and I'm married (before michelle thinks I need her opinion too) and we are not ready to have another baby yet, so this article helped me determine when to not have sex so that we don't conceive, even though I have the IUD. Thanks for the informative article!
7/24/2012 03:39:55 am
I just wanted 2 know what are my chances of being pregnant if I ovulated twice in a month &u had sex everyday
7/25/2012 08:35:08 pm
Nina.. its most likely if you have sex every other day. That way your husband/boyfriend. Has a higher sperm count. It gives him time to produce more.but if you wait to long his. Sperm may get to "old". So have sex every other day.
8/3/2012 01:45:53 pm
Today is Aug 3 2012.. I don't know if I am highly fertile today or if I am ovulating. (At my last period I had bad cramping late one night, the next morning I starting my bleeding. So I'm not sure which one I am today). Anyways we had sex today and we used a condom but is it still possible to get prego EASIER if you are highly fertile or ovulating??
8/5/2012 07:52:11 am
Very informative..thank you!! my husband and I are also trying to conceive at present,miscarried 3minths ago unfortunately...I also am carrying a bit of weight so am worried that that was our last chance... any one else carrying weight.?? And yes I know should try shifting the weight but nit that easy I'm afraid....
8/6/2012 03:33:40 am
Hi Ladies, i have a question also and would love some feedback. I to am married and have 3 boys,i would love to have a little girl soon :) well my question is: i also have an app on my phone that tells me when im most a regular and my lenth is 28 days,my Fertility calender says my days were July 22-28,and we had unprotected sex on July 26 and the 29 of July,im wondering if i could be pregnant or if theres a really good chance i could be!! my period was on July 13-18.. Ur answers would be greatly appreciated Thanks!
9/20/2012 09:58:19 pm
I know this might be old but me and my husben are trying for a baby ive been trying for about 3 months ive had my first missed period but i did not go check if i am nervouse about but anyways today is my second day fertile do i have a posability of getting pregnant by the way the day before my period i had a dark spotting crame but them after nuthing i am very bloated could that be any thing ohh and yes i soud like a little girl but am happyly married n i have a four year old son that ive had since he was 6 months old n i honestly want one of my own so can someone help me what can increase my chances n by the way who ever said teens cnt do it i have been doing it since i was 13 n i am sixteen now i work make over 500 weekly have a stable home i own a duplex and my kid has never needed anything n no i was not born rich or a striper i work for the state as a nanny and i get no help from the state so i think my life has been realy good for me n my child n yes he is mine his mother abandon him so heads up sterio types am doing just fine
9/29/2012 04:58:35 am
Hey! My husband and I are finally ready to start having babies (or trying) I have been on north control for many years and just stopped in the beginning of Sept. I should have waited until I finished the pack but that's too late. So I was wondering if you guys have experivced anything similar. Stopped taking your birth control pills beginning of month and then period never came two weeks later like it was supposed to. This article has been great help, because I now know when I'm fertile. I also got the apps!! But it said that u am 2 weeks late on my period!! I did have a few days of spotting and cramps. I figured it's normal due my body to be out of wack since I'm off the poll finally. Thanks so much!!
11/26/2012 06:26:09 pm
My husband and I have been trying for 8 months now to get pregnant. I am getting a little worried that is hasn't happened yet and our spirits are down. I am still trying to understand the difference between being fertile and ovulating. Are you supposed to have sex every other day starting from when your fertile up to the end of ovulation? When you get discharge does that mean for sure you are fertile and can you only get discharge when your fertile or can you get it throughout different times of the month and it has nothing to do with being fertile? Also does anyone know if having a cyst on your ovary can cause you not to get pregnant? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
12/8/2013 03:39:24 am
Tracy hi I've had ovarian cyst since I was 13 they put me on all kinds of birth controls to try to reduce the size of cyst and they even told me they were gone in 2006 June 13 2006 I had a cyst erupt and was bleeding internally all day and did not know it. Well when I lost so much blood by that evening I ended up passing out and being rushed to hospital I was in emergency surgery as soon as I got there the reason I tell u this is they told me we would never be able to conceive we had tried for 5 yrs well as soon as I healed from surgery the first time we ever had sex again we were pregnant now we have two amazing sons and we r trying for our girl it is possible do not ever let anyone tell u it isn't! I am living proof it can happen! Good luck!
1/8/2013 12:11:22 pm
I also have the period trackr and looked up the differences betwen ovulation and fertile
7/12/2013 02:54:19 am
My period tracker says I ovulate for many days (almost all month except my period) and am fertile for only one day. Is that right?! Also, is it true certain positions are better than others or some positions you can't get pregnant. Do you have to lay in bed right away after or what? I usually get up right away.
7/16/2013 01:23:29 am
nana yaa
9/21/2013 03:46:27 pm
thank you very much for this me, many women don't know this, they think its the same thing.glad I've found this today, at least I can educate my friends and other people around me
11/3/2013 03:44:52 pm
My boyfriend and I are trying to conceive and this is very helpful HOPEFULLY IT WORKs!!!
11/9/2013 05:38:40 pm
Wow was exactly i was looking for ,clear consisted ,and appropriate I got an app in my phone about how be pregnant and when but have those days fertile and ovulate and was always confuse for me !👍
11/17/2013 01:34:07 pm
If you are trying to get pregnant. After your partner explode in you. Take a pillow, fold it in half and lay it under your pelvis and lay your body tilted back, relaxed for 10 minutes . This is how you can ensure the sperm flows deeper then when it came inside you. Make sure your partner is very deep in you when he explodes in you. Good luck ^_^
5/10/2014 10:35:01 am
My husband and I have been trying for four years now ever since our daughter turned one it took us 3 years to get pregnant with her. This article is very informative. There is a lot of information out there and it is easy to get confused and frustrated. So I don't understand someone getting on here and blasting someone for asking questions. The only dumb question is an unasked one
6/10/2014 12:57:21 pm
It may sound ignorant and rude the way she said it, but she was out right honest about it. Okay the boyfriend thing doesn't make a difference whether you have children or not. I see what she's saying though, some kids have kids because they think its easy when actually bringing a child into the world is a big responsibility, you need the time for a baby, to be able to provide for that baby and generally support that baby.
5/1/2021 01:00:16 am
This is such a great information served right here. Thank you very much for sharing these useful insights. I never knew about this before. This <a href=””>helped</a> a lot. This information needs to be shared to as much people as possible.
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